Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Reviewing my last few months

Its been 6 months since I last posted. Time passes too quickly. I realised that I have been saying this phrase so many times. So I would quote a phrase from Victor Hugo, 'Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time'. I admit that I have been watching too much anime and procrastinating, making me sleep for countless nights at around 3 am because I have work to do. 

So firstly, to start off, I had achieved one of my goals - the third goal to accept a leadership position. I am now the President of Chinese Orchestra Club in my school. It still feels like a dream to me and I have no idea how I suddenly managed to become the president. However, I feel very uneasy and stressed as there are a lot of things to consider especially when my goal for this year to get the Excellence Award 2015. However, I know that I can rely on my fellow committee members for help to ease my workload. To be honest, I was so happy and excited that my poster was hanging on that long pillar during those 3 CCA Carnival days. The performance for the CCA Carnival was a big success and there were a lot of students cheering for us. Thanks to everyone for their support!! Hopefully, they realise that Chinese Orchestra is not that boring. We played Doraemon and 'Yu Jian'. Continuing, I will also be having the Freshmen Orientation Camp and June Concert during the June Holidays. Hope it will be a success and everyone has fun! Our new SPCO T-shirt looks COOL! :D

Next, I have a lot of activities to do this year as well. I joined Chinese Orchestra, Community Service and Cultural Club, DBA Students Chapters, SB Ambassadors and National Youth Achievement Award Club (NYAA). I joined NYAA Club to help to complete my NYAA Gold. Moreover, instead of doing the module - Social Innovation Programme (SIP) for the whole semester 2, I decided to opt for the Overseas Social Innovation Programme (OSIP) that is only for 2 weeks during my mid September holidays. However, thanks to this, my june holiday schedule is more packed than ever. I guess I will be going to school almost everyday again. I hope that I will have a good experience at Malang, Indonesia and make new friends (Networking, as my lecturer says). Thanks to the school that gave this opportunity to me and fully subsiding my trip! I only need to pay for my food expenses which is around SGD$100 - $200 dollars. I haven't told my dad yet but I will tell him soon. Hope he doesn't disagree or anything. Love you, dad and mom! <3 p="">

I also joined the school's Sports For Life programme, playing Badminton once a week from 4pm - 6pm every Friday after school curriculum. This was to complete the sports section for my NYAA even though I do not think that it is possible to use this to clear my NYAA Sports section due to its criteria and so on. During this past few weeks, I met many new friends and improved my Badminton Skills. I believe that my Badminton Skills have improve!! Can't wait to play with Rachel again. Muahahaha ~~~ :P

My Chinese New Year this year was nothing special...I went to lesser places and was at home for 2 days of the Chinese New Year. Sigh ~~. I couldn't work during the March Holidays too as I had to go back to school everyday for CO Practice and CSCC GP (Game Personnel) Training and preparation of materials for the CSCC Freshmen Orientation Camp in April, if I remember correctly. Then, my family celebrated my dad's 50th Birthday in March and my brother's 22nd Birthday in May. His best birthday present was getting a spot in NTU's Business Course. Congratulations to my brother! Really glad that he could make it, which gives me more pressure as I don't think I can make it with my results now. What if I can't go to University? I guess I have to work first then pursue a degree after a few years of work. Well, at least I gain working experience.... Just think positive, I always tell myself that. 

Finally, its 2nd June 2015, Tuesday, that I am posting this. Now I am currently in my MST Week. Just finished Human Resource Management module's test (10%) today. It was still okay and I am sure that I would do just fine. However, tomorrow and the day after, is Financial Management and Accounting (FMA) and Qualitative Analysis (QA) - something to do with making decisions. I think I am not going to do well for these two especially when I missed the second Lecture on Decision Making Tree or whatever it is called...because my teacher decided to teach it during the tutorial lesson instead. And on that fateful day, I was sick. From then on, I could not any questions on it except for the computer parts...I am so going to fail it. Please, I need to work hard..

That's currently all I did in summary for the past few months since the start of Year 2015.

Pleading to my diary... ... ... ... ...