Sunday, January 25, 2015

Start of Year 2015

This is the start of year 2015. Even so, it does not feel like a new year has began. Weirdly, I did not watch the countdown on the television this year. Presentations and examinations are around the corner. Before the examinations, it would be Chinese New Year. After the examinations, it would be the start of my holidays from 7 March 2015 to 19 April 2015. Sigh~~My CCA points for Polytechnic is not enough, yet I need to get Gold with Honours to get an Interview Spot when I apply for University. Well, I do not think I can get into a local university anyway. But what if I really cannot? I am so afraid of that, that I think of it everyday. My results are not good at all, my CCAs is not really helping me as well. Thinking of getting into Student Chapters..but there might be too many things for me to do. 

However, a new year means a new beginning. Since my new school term starts from Year 2, 20 April 2015, I believe that I will persevere on and do better from now on. 

Goals for 2015
1. To get a better G.P.A of 3.5 and above
2. To obtain National Youth Academic Award Gold
3. To receive a leadership position 
4. To speak with confidence and ease in front of people (Presentations)
5. Maintain Good Health
6. Maintain Good Relationships
7. Make new friends that I can really confide to
8. Maybe to find a BF? haha :D

After goal-setting for the year, I feel more confident and I know what my goals are. Now, what is left is to try and fulfil these goals this year. "I can do it!" I know I can.

Best Regards

To my faithful Diary