Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Love Proposal Song Lyrics

A song that came to my mind while I was walking on the pavement, feeling the breeze from the chilly lonely night on New Year's Eve (31st December 2014, 8:00pm). Yea, its my own song lyrics.

Title: Love Proposal

It came to my mind
That it was my destiny
To meet you on that day

It was pure destiny
When I saw you that very day
When I saw you in that little corner

It was pure coincidence that we met each other
It was friendship that brought us together
It was pure love that made us lovers
So lets get married

It was you, you, you~
No one can replace you
No one can replace that place in my heart
Except you~~~~Oh, but you

It was pure coincidence that we met each other
It was friendship that brought us together
It was pure love that made us lovers
So lets get married

So lets get married (Slow down)
My Love


So is this song nice? Give some comments here. I am not a songwriter so I am not sure. It was just based on my feelings that day while I was walking that the rhythm and lyrics started to appear in my mind, and I was just singing away.