Thursday, October 24, 2013

Beginning of O levels

A few days ago, 21st October 2013 was the start of the O levels examinations 2013. It was the English paper with the exception of Science Practical Exam the week before. English, mathematics and Social Studies has passed leaving me with 4 more subjects to go- Chinese, Combined Science (Chemistry & Physics), History and POA. I wonder what the bell curve will be like this year.... Hopefully, I would do well for my examinations, exceeding my goals and finally getting the desired results. Hahahaha :D , to a certain extent of course with the use of Social Studies (SS) skills. Get it?

My teachers dump everyone with piles of worksheets to do. It filled up all the pockets of my thick black box file. It is impossible to finish and understand every single one of them before the next paper on Monday, 28th October 2013 which is Paper 2 - Combine Science for Physics then on Tuesday, 29th October 2013 which is Paper 3 - Combine Science for Chemistry. GO GO GO!! I CAN DO IT!!! :) Cos I know I can...~.~