Saturday, January 28, 2012

Secondary 3 Already!!!

Time flies really very fast and I have not been writing my blog for about 6 months already!
These are the extraordinary things that happen to me in the last 6 months:
- I saw a dead bird in my school (spooky)
- I think I am in love with someone ( But not going into a relationship with him)
- I am in Secondary 3 Express, coming to fifteen years old this year 2012, and in class 3E2, which I study in.
- I study English, Chinese, E-Maths, Principles Of Accounts (POA), Social Studies (SS), History, Combined Science (Chemistry, Physics) and Art.
- My 1.6km run (2 rounds outside my school) is now 8 mins 32 seconds which is faster than during my primary school days.
- I am now 147 cm.
- I joined percussion (drums group) in Chinese Orchestra for Chinese New Year (CNY) as all of the members in that group graduated last year. Now I am back in my own instrument group.
- I received a distinction (89/100) for my Grade 3 Zhong Ruan NUS Instrumental Exam 2011. I played Rasa Sayang and Yao Lan Qu. There was only one judge in that examination room.
- I bought and shared a locker with my friend this year 2012.
- I have a netbook!!! My father bought it for me at August 2011 last year.
- I only received 5 Ang Baos (Red Packets) this year 2012 during Chinese New Year. So little ~~
- This year is the Water Dragon year, it has been raining lately.
- My school is participating in the Chingay but I cant participate as they only allow sec ones ~

So these should be the highlights that I did this last six months.

This the link for the NE-mation competition. It is so cool!!! I tried it before. My team mates and my science teacher even said that I was very patient due to some errors in my group NE-mation. I Support N.E.mation!