Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thousands of Homework!!!

Today, I have thousands of homework and I dont want to them until tommorrow. I have a headache and feel sick and am too lazy to do homework. How I wish I dont go to school tommorow because I am sick with a common fever which only hits until 37.8 degrees Celsius.... And wish the fever lasts for two days, tommorow and the day after tomorrow which is Thursday...  There is this boy in my class who confess to me that he like me. I gave him a chance but he did not do anything for the past few weeks. He is quite a smart aleck and genius in Science while I fail and hate Science... I am going to my friend's house soon after school to do Home Economics Project about making pizza. My HE Practical Examination is coming!!! Ahhhh... I am not prepared yet.... My mum kept nagging at me from jsut now until now. So noisy.. If I tell her I feel sick and my temperature is 37.3 degrees Celsius, she will say I dont have a fever and will laugh and nagged at me more. So I am not telling her...