Friday, October 8, 2010

An Unhappy Day...

Today, 8th October 2010, Friday. I went to eat lunch with my two friends and we ate spagetti with chicken. It cost $5 something. My mum says that I have so little pocket money and yet I go eats such expensive stuff...... My pocket money is $4 a day. And because of this, something happen and my brother got involved too which made the matter worse!!! Because he is such a busybody and puts his nose into everything. My mother had decided that I will walk home from school or if my dad does not send me to school, I will have to walk to school from home. I shall save enough money by not eating recess and lunch for my bus fare. I don't care, I am not going to walk, it is such a long way (about 25minutes walk) and even my mother would give up walking!!!!!! She still wants me to walk I have so many frustrations with my mother.

MY DAD IS THE MOST WONDERFUL, DILIGENT, GREAT, HARD WORKING, CARING AND AMAZING MAN, I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU DADDY! OH, he also gave me a computer so that I don't have to fight over the computer with my mother. I will also have my CLASS camp soon. And the only thing I would miss is my dad, my computer and my bed.

Oh ya, My friend and classmate treated me and her friend to Ajisen Ramen at CauseWay Point!!!!!!! It was delicious, I love the Chicken Teriyaki Set the best!!!!! And I could finish the whole bowl of rice. That was the first time I ate so much!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to my friend. :p