Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Tommorow is the Primary six chinese language paper 1 Sa1 2009. I am having a headache so I will make a short text.I have brought the chinese electronic dictionary and I have waited for this day to come. I don't know why.Next week, is the crucial examinations as it is the paper 2.
Sigh......I really hope I will pass my examinations with flyng colours. If I don't get a 75/100 for all my subjects, my mother will beat me with the wooden cane.It would be very painful as if the cane hits the same spot three times, it would be bleeding already. My father would not beat me but he would be very dissappointed as he wants me to be better than my brother, glen, who is in secondary four. Please let me pass my examinations with flying colours.Please.........